The Children’s Ministry of Greendale MB Church exists to help children, from nursery to fifth grade, to glorify God and grow to their full potential in Christ by partnering with parents. It is our desire to help them know Christ, not just about Him; to inspire them to worship God; to develop Godly habits; and to serve God in the church and in the community around them.
Jesus elevated the status of children in His ministry as no other teacher or spiritual leader had ever done before. He held them, blessed them, commended them and even condemned those who caused them harm. If Jesus had such a high view of children, shouldn’t we?
Greendale MB Church has many opportunities for families to get involved! There are many different age groups for you dhild(ren) to join, grow, and learn through age-appropriate classes, events, and Bible stories.
Sunday Morning Children's Ministry- Fall/Winter/Spring Classes
Little Lambs Nursery - (newborn - ~ 1yr.) (From 9:55am to end of the service) Our AMAZING Nursery staff is committed to providing a safe, loving, and Christ centered atmosphere for your child to enjoy. The Ulitmate goal of the Nursery if to give parents peace of mind that their children are well taken care of.
First Time Guests:
Bring your child along with their diaper bag to the Nursery. There, one of our trained staff will greet you and ask you to fill out the Registration Form which includes information about your child and their needs. You will also be asked to sign-in your child for the day.
At this time you will receive a number designated for your child. If you are needed at any time while you are away from your child, the number will be displayed on the call box at the top left corner of the stage.
Little Lambs Nursery is where we meet the needs of the youngest in our church family. Our philosophy is to create an environment centered on prayer for each baby while allowing parents to worship the Lord unencumbered.
Parent Room
If you are new to Greendale MB Church and have a baby or toddler with you in the service, and do not wish to leave them in the Nursery, we have a Parent room located downstairs right next to the Nursery. There you will find toys for your child to play with but where you will still be able to hear the service through a TV monitor.
Safety-For all ages
Safety is important to us, therefore we have put several policies in place:
Children must be signed in and out by a parent or guardian
Only adults 16 years and older are authorized to sign a child in/out
All adult volunteers are screened and have criminal record checks before serving in our classrooms
Wellness Policy-For all ages
In order to keep our classrooms a safe and healthy place, we require that you keep your child in your care if they have experienced the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:
Rash or skin infection
Persistent cough
Non-clear runny nose
Dismissal from the Service
Children ages 1- Grade 5 will remain with their families for the first part of the service, then be dismissed approximately 20 minutes after the service begins. They go through the doors at the front of the Sanctuary into the gym where their teachers will gather them and then go to their classrooms. Children will need to be picked up from their classrooms following the service.
Our classrooms are staffed with loving and trained teams who have trusted Jesus as their Saviour and desire to share their love for Jesus with our children. These teams are there to love and care for your child while emphasizing their spiritual development and character growth.
The Wild Kingdom - (~18months – 2 years) The Toddler Room is a launching pad for nurturing the faith of the next
generation. The curriculum is an integral beginning – a place of prayer where young children hear foundational Bible stories, learn simple truth statements, and begin to memorize scripture.
Small Wonders Preschoolers - (3 – 4 year olds) Through the curriculum, little children can see and know the greatness of God by blending our own hearts of faith and affection for God with the powerful stories of
our great God of the Old Testament and the testimony of the character and acts of Jesus.
Elementary Age Programs - (Kindergarten to Grade 5) Laughter, learning, and love fill the halls of GMB as Kindergartener's to 5th Graders discover what it means to be part of God's family. Within grade specific classes, every child receives special attention by properly trained and screened adults dedicated to caring and sharing the good news of God's love.
With the curriculum, the teachers and the kids explore a foundational, Jesus-centered journey through God's story of Love.We believe that faith isn't a subject to be mastered; it's a relationship to grow! So, each lesson and every single component sets the stage for kids to grow friendship more intentionally with Jesus and each other.
Sprouts- Kindergarten & Grade 1 (5 & 6 year olds)-located in the green room directly beneath the sanctuary
KIDS R.O.C.K. - Grade 2 & 3- located in the Youth House directly behind the Church.
Extreme Kids - Grade 4 & 5 located adjacent to the Small Wonders Preschool Classroom and directly across from The Wild Kingdom Classroom.
Summer Children's Ministry (From July until Sept. Kick-off)
- Children ages 5 (going into K) to going into grade 5 will be dismissed partway through the services to meet in the Green Room in the church basement. Kids going into grade 6 will remain in the service.
- Children ages 11/2 to 4 years old will meet in the Preschool Classroom. Little Lamb Nursery will remain open during the service for parents with infants and the Parent Room is also available.
Drop-off and Release - The safety of all children is of utmost importance to us. Therefore, we have guidelines in Children’s Ministry with regards to Drop-off and Pick-up.
When you first arrive at GMB stop at the Children's Ministry Desk in the foyer to sign-in your child(ren). Children will be dismissed part way through the service to their different areas to worship Jesus in their own unique way. Children form 11/2 to 2 years must be accompanied to their classroom. Preschooler's (3 year olds) to Grade 5 will go to the gym before they go to their classrooms. If they have already been signed in, they may go on their own. If they have not been signed-in previously a parent will need to accompany them to sign them in.
Please Note - If you sign your child into a classroom and then they decide they do not want to go a parent MUST go and let one of the Teacher’s in the classroom know they will not be participating.
When picking up your child you will be asked to sign your child out of the classroom. Only parents or previously authorized adults (16 and over) may sign children out of a class.
Children attending on a Family Service Sunday will remain in the service with their families.
Volunteer Applications - If you are interested in getting involved with teaching or helping, please download the applicable form (adult-16 yrs old & older / youth-under 16 years old) and drop it by the Kids Desk (Sundays) or to Melanie at the office during the week. CRC Permission Form needed for all Applicants 16 years & older.
See Cherith or Jon for access code
Ministry to parents.
We don't only love children- we also love parents! It is a privilege to partner with you in the spiritual development of your children. It is our goal to reinforce what you are already teaching in your home. As we work together, we invite you to join us in any of our programs to participate with your child. Our team of volunteers in any of the classrooms will be happy to assist you.
Communication is also very important to us. to effectively serve you, we encourage you to communicate any needs you might have. You can reach me, Cherith Rast at 604-823-6364 ext. 106 or at kids@gmbchurch.ca
Resources for Parents & Children--
Bible Memory Verses for the Year-- Bible Memory Verses for 2024.docx
Here are three books on Intentional Parenting written by Natasha Carin. Please email me (Cherith) at kids@gmbchurch.ca if you are interested in borrowing them.
'Talking with Your Kids about Jesus (Participants Guide): 30 Converstations Every Christian Parent Must Have.' There are 5 short (less than 10 minutes) videos on RightNow Media that go with Book #1-for the password to RightNow Media please go to this link https://www.gmbchurch.ca/rightnow-media and sign up for a password
2. 'Talking with Your Kids About God: 30 Conversations Every Christian Parent Must Have'
3. 'Keeping Your Kids on God's Side: 40 Conversations to Help them Build a Lasting Faith'
Field Kit for Parenting by LIVING ON THE EDGE-- https://livingontheedge.org/free-resources/
(Scroll down to the 4th row in the middle-it is a free ebook)
Includes: 7 keys for building a strong relationship with your kids
How to identify your parenting style
5 Characteristics of Biblical Discipline
How To Build Christian Character in Kids by LIVING ON THE EDGE--
(Scroll down to the 5th row-first one on left- a free study for parents)
5 key Discipleship Qualities to Instill
Includes: Develop Perseverance when things get tough
Find Significance Everyday
Choose generosity over selfishness
Make good choices
Experience grace instead of guilt
How To Teach Your Kids About God by LIVING ON THE EDGE--https://livingontheedge.org/free-resources/
(Scroll down to the 4th row-far right- it is a free family devotional with videos included.)
Includes: Seeking God
The Goodness of God
The Sovereignty of God
The Holiness of God
The Wisdom of God
The Justice of God
The Love of God
The Faithfulness of God
Seven Promises of God
Intentional Parenting-- Intentional Parenting.docx
Intentional Parenting vs Quick-Fix Parenting by Doug Fields- An article
Mealtime Conversations--
Mealtime Conversations by LIVING ON THE EDGE--As parents we desire a close relationship with our children. We care about their spiritual lives and want them to grow in their faith. It can be challenging to make time in our busy lives for intentional and meaningful conversations about God. Mealtime conversations is a fun way for your family to come together and talk about God.
Topic 1- Conquering Fear--
Discussion 1- God is Good
Discussion 2- God is good all the time
Discussion 3- Thank Him for His goodness
Discussion 4- God is in control
Discussion 5- God is in control all the time
Topic 2- Building Faith--
Discussion 1- God keeps His promises
Discussion 2- God's promise to Noah
Discussion 3- God's promise to Sarah
Discussion 4- God knows what we need
Discussion 5- God helps us
Topic 3- Loving our Neighbors--
Discussion 1- God is love
Discussion 2- God wants the best for us
Discussion 3- Sharing God's love
Discussion 4- Loving others well
Discussion 5- Jesus loves us
Topic 4- Knowing God-- (This topic is the same as the family devotional How to teach your kids about God but without the videos)
Discussion 1- Seeking God
Discussion 2- Goodness of God
Discussion 3- Sovereignty of God
Discussion 4- Holiness of God
Discussion 5- Wisdom of God
Discussion 6- Justice of God
Discussion 7- Love of God
Discussion 8- Faithfulness of God
Parent & Child Dedications--
If you are interested in having your child dedicated at an upcoming service please download the form at this link Parent & Child Dedication Form and email it to Cherith at kids@gmbchurch.ca or drop it by the CM desk (Sundays) or to Melanie at the office during the week. We will be in touch after we receive your submission.
More Parenting Resources--
Raising children to follow Christ requires your faith and trust in the Lord's plan. Focus on the Family has numerous online resources to help you learn how to promote your children's spiritual growth; deal with everyday parenting issues; and there is also, "The Age and Stage Program" where they will send tailored tips right to your inbox regarding the different ages and stages of children in your family. ALL RESOURCES at Focus on the Family are FREE!!
Go to this link to check it out!-- https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/
Marriage Resources--
Taking lessons from Colossians 3, Chip Ingram uncovers how we can cultivate spiritual intimacy and enjoy a thriving marriage relationship.
Many couples find it difficult to develop intimacy. Not just physical and emotional intimacy, but something even more foundational to the marriage; spiritual intimacy--an experience of moving closer to God as you grow closer to one another.
In this article, he reveals 4 ways to cultivate spiritual intimacy in marriage for a thriving relationship.
RightNow Media
Enjoy complete access to 10,000+ video Bible Studies, sermons, devotionals, children's programs and more! ALL FREE!! Please go to this link- https://www.gmbchurch.ca/rightnow-media and sign up for a password
SCUBA VBS 2024--
Registration for Participants and Volunteers please go to this link- vbspro.events/p/greendalescubavbs
The Bible App for Kids--
The Bible App for kids is a free app. It is a great way to help young children learn about God! Through interactive adventures and beautiful animations, kids explore the big stories of the Bible. The Bible app for kids is a delight-filled experience designed to encourage kids to return again and again. It's the beginning of a lifelong love of God's Word! Click on this link-The Kids Bible App to find story sheets that go along with each of the stories on the app.