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As a church community and body of believers we want to uphold one another in prayer.  As believers, we can pray anywhere and in all circumstances.

If you have a prayer request you would like us to pray for you can fill out the form below.

If you would like to be a part of our prayer chain and join us in praying for one another, you can use the form at the bottom to have your name and email added.


My Prayer Request May Be Shared With:

Join our Prayer Chain

Sign up to get email notifications about 

important and urgent

prayer needs

Once you are added to the list, to get a prayer request out to the group,

just send an email to:

Thank you for supporting our community in prayer!

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604 823 6364


6550 Sumas Prairie Road

Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Office Hours:

8 - 4 Mon., Tues., Thurs.

8-2 Wed.

Closed holidays

Greendale MB Church 2022

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